What is Runtime
一门动态语言,有一些决定工作从编译连接推迟到运行时才被执行。只有编译器是不够的,还需要一个运行时系统 (runtime system) 来执行编译后的代码。这就是 Runtime 存在的意义。
Why not function calling but message
当你向 receiver 发送一个消息 [receiver message]
, 编译器会将其编译为 objc_msgSend(receiver, selector)
, 如果消息带有参数,如 [receiver message:arg1]
, 则会编译为 objc_msgSend(receiver, selector, arg1)
。如果 receiver
找到对应的 selector
,那么相当于执行了 receiver
方法,否则,消息或是被转发,或是临时添加对应的实现内容,或者 crash。
看 message.h
1 | /** |
其中第一个参数类型为 id
, 第二个参数类型为 SEL
1 | /// A pointer to an instance of a class. |
1 | /// An opaque type that represents an Objective-C class. |
而 objc_object
又是一个结构体,包含一个指向 Class 类型的 指针 isa
1 | struct objc_class { |
其中 isa
指向所属的 Class, super_class
而在开源的 objc-runtime-new.h 中我们发现在 objc_class 结构体的实现中,objc_class 继承自 objc_object,而且结构体第一项为
1 | Class superclass |
我们称之为 Meta Class
,又由于 isa
指向所属的 Class,换句话说,isa
指向 Meta Class
1 | /// An opaque type that represents a method selector. |
在 runtime.h
中, /* Working with Selectors */
- OBJC_EXPORT const char *sel_getName(SEL sel)
返回一个 char 类型,即 Selector 的名字
- OBJC_EXPORT SEL sel_getUid(const char *str)
通过传入一个 UID,返回一个特定的 SEL
- OBJC_EXPORT SEL sel_registerName(const char *str)
通过一个 char 类型注册一个 SEL
- OBJC_EXPORT BOOL sel_isEqual(SEL lhs, SEL rhs)
传入两个 SEL 判断他们是否相等
可以看到,他们都是与 Selector 相关的 Runtime 函数。
Message Forwarding
通过实现 forwardInvocation:
To see the scope and intent of forwarding, imagine the following scenarios: Suppose, first, that you’re designing an object that can respond to a message called negotiate, and you want its response to include the response of another kind of object. You could accomplish this easily by passing a negotiate message to the other object somewhere in the body of the negotiate method you implement.
Take this a step further, and suppose that you want your object’s response to a negotiate message to be exactly the response implemented in another class. One way to accomplish this would be to make your class inherit the method from the other class. However, it might not be possible to arrange things this way. There may be good reasons why your class and the class that implements negotiate are in different branches of the inheritance hierarchy.
Even if your class can’t inherit the negotiate method, you can still “borrow” it by implementing a version of the method that simply passes the message on to an instance of the other class:
1 | - (id)negotiate |
换句话说,如果这个对象不能响应 negotiate
When an object can’t respond to a message because it doesn’t have a method matching the selector in the message, the runtime system informs the object by sending it a forwardInvocation: message. Every object inherits a forwardInvocation: method from the NSObject class. However, NSObject’s version of the method simply invokes doesNotRecognizeSelector:. By overriding NSObject’s version and implementing your own, you can take advantage of the opportunity that the forwardInvocation: message provides to forward messages to other objects.
当对象由于没有与选择器相匹配的方法时,runtime system 会向其发送一个 forwardInvocation:
消息。每一个对象由于都继承自 NSObject 类从而继承了 NSObject 的 forwardInvocation:
方法。但是,NSObject 只是简单地调用了 doesNotRecognizeSelector:
这个方法。你还需要重载这个方法然后实现自己的 forwardInvocation:
这个 forwardInvocation:
- 决定消息应该被转发到哪
- 把原始的参数一并转发出去
1 | - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation |
消息返回的值会被传递到最原始的发送者,包括 ids
, structures
还有 double-precision floating-point numbers
这个 forwardInvocation
方法可以被看成是 unrecognized messages 的转发中心,或者是一个转移枢纽,将所有消息都传递到同一个地方。它可以将消息传递到另一个接受者,也可以把那些没有响应者的消化掉,来避免 no response。这这机制让互相关联的对象在设计上提供了无限的可能。
Forwarding and Multiple Inheritance
和 Diplomat
没有继承关系,如果你向 Warrior
发送一个 negotiate
消息, Warrior
不能响应这个方法,并把它转发给 Diplomat
类,这看起来就像 Warrior
能响应 negotiate
消息一样。(尽管实际上是 Diplomat 响应的)
这个例子就像 Warrior
类是继承自 Diplomat
Surrogate Objects
Forwarding not only mimics multiple inheritance, it also makes it possible to develop lightweight objects that represent or “cover” more substantial objects. The surrogate stands in for the other object and funnels messages to it.
The proxy discussed in “Remote Messaging” in The Objective-C Programming Language is such a surrogate. A proxy takes care of the administrative details of forwarding messages to a remote receiver, making sure argument values are copied and retrieved across the connection, and so on. But it doesn’t attempt to do much else; it doesn’t duplicate the functionality of the remote object but simply gives the remote object a local address, a place where it can receive messages in another application.
Other kinds of surrogate objects are also possible. Suppose, for example, that you have an object that manipulates a lot of data—perhaps it creates a complicated image or reads the contents of a file on disk. Setting this object up could be time-consuming, so you prefer to do it lazily—when it’s really needed or when system resources are temporarily idle. At the same time, you need at least a placeholder for this object in order for the other objects in the application to function properly.
In this circumstance, you could initially create, not the full-fledged object, but a lightweight surrogate for it. This object could do some things on its own, such as answer questions about the data, but mostly it would just hold a place for the larger object and, when the time came, forward messages to it. When the surrogate’s forwardInvocation: method first receives a message destined for the other object, it would ensure that the object existed and would create it if it didn’t. All messages for the larger object go through the surrogate, so, as far as the rest of the program is concerned, the surrogate and the larger object would be the same.
Forwarding and Inheritance
尽管消息转发很像继承,但是 NSObject
1 | if ( [aWarrior respondsToSelector:@selector(negotiate)] ) |
如果你确实想瞒天过海的话,你需要重新实现 respondsToSelector:
和 isKindOfClass:
1 | - (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector |
方法也应该实现转发算法。如果遵从协议,那么 conformsToProtocol:
方法也应该做同样的事情。同样的,如果一个对象转发它接受的任何远程消息,它得给出一个 methodSignatureForSelector:
来返回准确的方法描述,这个方法会最终响应被转发的消息。比如一个对象能给它的替代者对象转发消息,它需要像下面这样实现 methodSignatureForSelector:
1 | - (NSMethodSignature*)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector |
Note: This is an advanced technique, suitable only for situations where no other solution is possible. It is not intended as a replacement for inheritance. If you must make use of this technique, make sure you fully understand the behavior of the class doing the forwarding and the class you’re forwarding to.